
The Worst Developer Team in India

If you like professional services, you going to HATE this company. What ever you try to explain them, they will make a selection of what you want to create. No. Is not your decision, even if you pay. Is their decision. They decide what you can or not use. They will refuse to create what you want, even if you are willing to pay. If you ask them to develop a Snake Game, they will create a Rat Race without Rats or Snakes. They will blame you from their incompetence and will not be transparent with you. They really look like a SCAM team, because ommiting information and hidening it, is what they know to do best.

This page will describe in a EXPLICIT way, why you should NOT accept to spend your money with them. The next text and links are extracted from my experience. They use Basecamp but they don't read the documents you write. They can create a Whatsapp group with you, but they will not answer to your doubts or to your questions.

Description of my project: My project is described in this wiki. You can choose the language you prefer and inside each, several links describe all details of this application that I was about to develop with this company. I started with them about 15/12/2024, and yesterday, 10/03/2025 I quit before starting the development process, giving up, from the money I already pay. That page use a formal language style, that ask the reader to think about what he/she is reading, taking notes, and with that skill that all students around the world do with text, anyone can define the several components that this application aims to have.
After all this time, they demonstrate a big difficult to define those components, which lead me to explain them in detail. Even with that enfort, complications come up really fast, because as I describe above, they select the features they wish to include, ignoring the features I ask them to include, and even worst, without questioning me about those.
Communication was always in English and sadly I have a big difficult to understand their english, with their Hindi accent. It give me the sensation that they "eat" words, and in several moments I ask them to repeat, until the moment I just don't ask them again, because I was unable to understand.
Therefor I suggest to write, since with text, we can understand better what each wish to describe. Sadly, they demonstrate a bit worst then AI, since AI think about the possibilities, giving suggestions about each detail. In the other hand, they don't suggest anything and just accept any change without questioning. A bit worst of what we expect years ago, from a computer without the ability to think.

We can think that this application requirements are a bit complex, since there are several details that are described in different pages. For example, the idea of being hosted in github, is defined in application License. I ask them to use Firebase Services because my budget was and is low, but they recommend me to use NodeJS without sharing the prices of that service that would be supported by me. In my option this is a big declaration that they didn't care about what I ask them, and about my economic limitations. But lets analyse the different topics described in that page and think what anyone in the world can describe using notes.

Thinking is a skill that many didn't develop: [This is why AI is useful]

1. Main Concept: The principles guiding the delivery of Numeric Expressions representing Value assume that all associated actions are independently verified by individuals who neither know each other personally nor can connect with each other within the scope of this application. It's important to note that this application does not support the functionality for users to follow each other or add friends. It is not intended to be a social network but rather serves as a catalyst for various global commercial networks. For all users engaged in the Industrial Competition proposed by this Challenge, the requirement is to create videos as evidence of their actions and also to assess videos from fellow users, thereby corroborating their personal actions.

  1. Create Videos
  2. Rate Videos
  3. For Companies
  4. Not a social-network

2. Industry: This competitive challenge, whether within the same industry or not, fosters a healthy global competition among companies. The more successful actions each company takes, the more points they will accumulate compared to other companies, ultimately securing a higher position in the spotlight. Sharing documents that validate internal decisions that are not harmful to nature and the local population, as well as insights into the company's dynamics and its products, can earn you more points. Remember that all employees of registered companies also receive numerical expressions representing value for their personal, professional, and social qualities, both among colleagues and with clients.

  1. Approved actions add points to companies
  2. Points list company above or below others
  3. Employees gain value for their personal, professional and social qualities
  4. Competition focus to care nature

3. The Application: This application serves the purpose of motivating the industry and all representatives of brands and logos, in other words, businesses, to engage in actions that benefit others, focusing on the subtle simplicities of community life through the efforts of each of its representatives and employees, following the Paths associated with this Challenge. Each company should have a system in place to receive numerical expressions representing value, associated with their actions, and linked to a list of psychological and social qualities available within this application. These qualities can be marked and appreciated to highlight the ways in which professionals and clients conduct themselves and serve. It is through the number of approved actions that companies compete for the top position, demonstrating their commitment to producing actions that benefit others more effectively than their counterparts.

  1. There are different paths of action

In fact I present them this link with the details that describe where this different informations, should be presented.

Imagine to pay about 3.000€ for a team to extract information from a text and they show that they are unable to organize the necessary information to organize this topics. With this in mind, lets see the first proposal.

I ask a child with 12 years old to read and think what components this application should have. Naturally this girl don't know anything about technology. What is a backend, what is a programming language, what concepts are behind each programming language, how to build menus, how the hardware works internally. But with the text and making simple questions, all the listed details shown above, are from her mind. Then I ask her about the colors, since the application focus is some intention. Green and Blue were the colors of choice.

First Proposal

Users can view the listed challenges on the platform. • Users can select the language of their challenge on the home screen for better clarity. Languages such as English, Deutsche, Español, Français, Português, Русский, हिन्दी, 中文, Ελληνικά ,עִ בְ רִ ית ,عربي ,日本語 , There will be different challenges available for users to choose between such as mentioned below • Forgot Password Users will be able to reset their password on the application by clicking ‘Forgot Password’ link. User have to enter new & confirm new password and save in order to login on the platform.
• Challenge Introduction • Basics Concepts • The Challenge • Basic Paths • World Communities • World Politics • World Industry • Single Application • Industry Points • Evaluate Actions • Users Coins • Application License • Author Contacts
Upon tapping any of the above, it will be open up a description screen with the challenge details.

We can see that they not even click in each link of the main page, where describe the application details.
Paying 3.000€ for this result, produce inside me some burning noise that make me mad.
After several Weeks describing the same using different texts, they finally create the best proposal.
The map animation was excluded, and I try to ask them to add it, but they create a lot of problems, refusing to implement that feature.
In this stage, they continue recommending NodeJS without telling me anything about the cost.
In this stage, they add Google Maps API integration, while I ask them to use some Geolocation API that is Free.
More 2 or 3 weeks discussing this, while I quit and wish we start the Design, which I gave them Total Freedom, because I am not very sensible to that topic.
Even without my inability to be sensible to that topic, I think I could do better, if I had access to Figma payed version.

Their design skills are bad, but their "color blindness" is what inspire this site colors

I assume that my Design Skills are bad, but I am not a professional.
After 3 days they present me 3 different designs.
I must admit that I did like the last one, but if we compare the colors of that one, to the colors of the Figma files, we must assume that, their Designer have some problem in his eyes.
I spend more 3.000€ for something that even a children can do better. So I quit.
I will continue to demonstrate how bad this Design example is, so you can laugh louder.
Their First Concept that I did like

The Figma Files: Check and Compare
A Designer Will focus on the Application Intention, which in this case is about "Caring Nature, Animals and Humans".
They just made some random examples as faster they could. Is not about what I like, but what users will like.

Their team are like ghosts. They look present, but they don't speak or interact with you

Like computers that don't use AI, they have no opinion.
What can I do to solve this problem I am facing?
No answers, no suggestions, no guide-lines.

Their hability to say nothing

I must admite that I quit because they refuse to tell me the price of the Server Cost, saying that "that is not their problem", even after they finally decide to include Firebase Services and removing one of the main features of this application that is described above.
I am sure that the cost is not their problem, but with that attitude I don't wish to work with a team that is Shiting to his client.